Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Nukkka

CBA will have all year to perfect these ...


  1. Starting with The Bishops and the Party People. Fierce reps but with easy, everybody have a good time style.

  2. I'm surprised to see that the Kids in the Hall were throwing signs to the Familia Stones. Mark McKinney, we hardly knew ye.

  3. Who's up to do some cross-referencing?

    Mudra Gallery

    "Okay, fellas, let's come up with a sign that will also have a grounding force to connect us with the earth's energies when we're feeling unbalanced or flighty."

  4. I'd make a Star Wars joke about the "Imperial Gangsters," but they probably hate those.

  5. Anony-mouse, identify yourself! Enough. Of this hiding.

    Throwing up speaks to our racism question, my new Existentialism question, sign language, the sometime meaninglessness of words, and on and on.

    Right on the button: when an older boy taught me to give the bird, at age 7 or so, I felt stronger. Like I had entered a new world of signifying thought. When I studied and mastered the nuance of curling back the pointer and ring, or simply freeing the middle to fly free, I was freed in turn. I was speaking the meanest of mean without opening my mouth. Shut windows be damned--through the silence of double-paned glass I can reach and enrage. Fuck you.

    Even a wave, the oatmeal of hand gestures, still resonates when bestowed upon, or given by, a lover at the departures lane at the airport.

    So, cholos, Crips, Bloods, yogis, taxi-hailers, deaf and deaf-mutes, the Fonz, mathletes, airplane-guider-inners, referees, Bob Fosse and E.T., here's to you.

  6. This sees your gesture and raises it a few knuckles:
